Our new fine feathered friends!
Back in April, our farm population doubled in size with the addition of thirteen baby chicks! In keeping with our farm's aesthetic, we chose breeds of chickens that are extra fluffy and feather-footed. We have seven mottled cochins, two black silkies, two mille fleur bearded d'uccles, one buff brahma bantam, and one porcelain Belgian bearded d'uccle. They were straight run, mail-ordered chicks, so we had no idea what ratio of males to female we would receive. Now at seven weeks, we have a pretty good idea: 5 roosters and 8 hens. One of our mottled cochins just a few days old! We've had a great time watching them grow and coming up with names for each one. Tiny babies! There were difficult to tell apart when they were little, but the mottled cochin with the black beak is Gareth, the lightest colored mottled cochin is Emerson, the black silkie standing is Kylo Hen, and the black silkie sitting is Rosebud. The roosters are: ...